Sunday, September 2, 2012

A Mormon running for President?

A Mormon running for President?

From a Ducati riding Mormon - what Mormons really believe.
with the election coming up and people throwing around all kinds of things about Mormons, some not true, some exaggerations and some taken out of context or twisted around,
people can be nervous about having a “Mormon” president, here is what you can expect from a Mormon that lives his religion.
First off Mormon is a nick name, the name of the church is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, everything we teach and believe is centered on our Savior Jesus Christ.
We believe in God, his son Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost, that they are 3 separate individuals and that we are created in Gods image.
We believe that through the Atonement (Jesus's suffering and death) that all mankind may be saved by
obedience to the laws and ordinances of the gospel, Christ did what we cannot do for ourselves so that we can return to our Heavenly Father, he said if you love me keep my commandments, we are a church with a focus on serving our fellow men.
We believe the first steps to follow Christ are to have Faith in him, Repent and be Baptized by immersion for the remission of sins and receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands.
We believe that a man does not take upon himself the authority to administer ordinances (like Baptism) but must receive it from one that has it, as was done when Christ lived on the Earth. We believe in the same organization that existed in the church that Christ formed when he was here, especially Apostles, Prophets, Bishops, Elders, teachers and missionaries. Our church has Lay (not paid) leadership made up from the members of each congregation.
We believe in the gift of tongues, prophecy, revelation, visions, healing, interpretation of toungs, etc.
We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God, ( in the Bible the Old Testament is a record of Gods dealings with people from the creation of the world to approx. 400 B.C. In the Middle East area, the New Testament is a Record of Christ and his Apostles teaching and ministry to approx. 100 A.D. – the Book of Mormon is a record of Gods dealings with people that lived on the American continent between approx 2000 B.C. And 400 A.D. - ancestors of the American Indians, It is named after one of the Prophets that wrote in it, it would be like calling the Old Testament the book of Moses because he was one of the writers) we believe all that God has revealed, all that he does now reveal, and believe that he will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the kingdom of God.
We believe in the literal gathering of Israel and that Christ will return to the earth and reign personally (second coming), we believe it is our duty to lift up the hands that hang down, be self reliant, be educated, give a hand up rather than a handout, while at the same time be generous to those in need, and that families are the foundation of society.
We believe it our right to worship God how we chose and feel all others have the same privilege to worship how, where or what they choose. We believe in honoring and obeying the laws of the land, most of all we believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtues and in doing good to all men, as Paul admonished if there is anything virtuous, lovely, of good report or praiseworthy we seek after these things.
I have been a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints all my life, but there came the time when I had to know for myself if it was true, whether Christ's church was really back on the earth led by a Prophet and Apostles,and if there really was another book of scripture written by ancient prophets that lived on the American continent, one of the most wonderful things about this church is that we believe that God lives, that he hears and answers prayers and that he loves us in our day as much as he loved the Children of Israel when he had prophets among them to lead and guide them, there wont be anyone (at least it is not the Church's way of doing things) try to prove to you that these things are true, all are invited to read the Book of Mormon and pray and ask God if it is true, if you have never felt the power of the Holy Ghost I can guarantee you will reading this book with an open mind and heart, I have read it several times, and the Bible, I love both, I have prayed and asked God if it was true, I know that it is true because the Holy Ghost lit a fire in my heart like I have never felt before, it has brought a clear understanding to the purpose of life, where we came from, why we are here and where we are going. If you have any questions I would be happy to answer any you have on "Mormons". Kerry Bang

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